2025 GWC Entries

Entries for the 2025 GWC are open from 1st January. Follow the link below to complete your registration. 

Please note by completing your registration you are agreeing to our Rules of Entry.

Register Online

We use Enthuse - please follow the above link to open the registration page.  As part of your registration process an online fundraising page will be set up for you.  

If you are are having difficutly registering online please email registration@greatwildernesschallenge.info for support.

If you can't register online you can use our Paper Entry Form.


Entry Fees

Poolewe Event:

Adults - 25 Mile Dundonnell to Poolewe walk/run    £25.00

Children 12-17 yrs - 25 mile     £12.50

Adults -  All other routes £20.00

Children 12-17 yrs - all routes     £10.00

Under     12 yrs       Free


All entrants will receive a Completion Medal

Entry fees are non-refundable. 

In the event of cancellation your entry fee will be donated to our nominated charities.



Please note children under 12 years of age must be supervised in their chosen activity by a named  adult who is responsible for them at all times.  

No liability can be accepted by the GWC for their safety.


Download Sponsor Form

Use the above link to download as many copies of our sponsor form as you need.

If you wish to raise funds online a fundraising page will be set up during your online registration.


Sponsorship Information

All sponsorship raised by participants will be split between our nominated charities.  We regret we are unable to allow participants to raise money for any other charities of their own choice.

We are a registered charity and all sponsorship must come directly to us NOT to the charities we support.

All cheques including Charity Cheques should be made payable to Great Wilderness Challenge.

Alternatively sponsorship may be paid directly to our bank account quoting your name as reference:

Sort Code        80-22-60   (Bank of Scotland)

Account No     16197264

Name              Great Wilderness Challenge


Gift Aid

As a registered charity we are able to claim Gift Aid on all eligible donations.  

Please encourage your sponsors to complete the relevant part of the sponsor form

Alternatively if you are a UK taxpayer and are making a personal donation rather than obtaining sponsorship we would urge you to complete our Single Donation Gift Aid form available to download here

We cannot emphasise enough how important this is to us as we can claim an additional 25p for every £ donated.  This makes an incredible difference to our final total.      


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