And Finally.....
Some of the stories without pictures but still just as amazing:
Morag Forsyth - took on a Personal Challenge to walk 25 miles over two consecutive days around the moors at Dava and Lochindorb, trying to link the lost farms and sheilings scattered across those moors. Morag walked a total of 26.15 mls and linked 16 Sheilings over the 2 days.
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Julia Mackenzie - took on a cyle challenge this year and cycled a grand total of 38.84 miles. "I thoroughly enjoyed getting out in a different form of event. Thanks for giving me the chance to do my biking as I just love it. I did the Etape Loch Ness in 2019, and earlier this year (April) I cycled 300 for the Hospice, so it was great to do it again for such a worth while cause. In a way I hope we can carry on doing it in this way, but will miss the buzz of Challenge day."
That certainly gives us something to think about Julia!!
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Lynn Anderson - 24 July 2021
CARN AN FHREICEADAIN (Kingussie Corbett)
11 ½ miles and 2’000 ascent – 4 hours
Wow! – that was a ‘challenge’! – a hot, sweaty uphill trek in the beauty of the Monadhlias in 24 degrees of unbroken sunshine with not another soul to be seen! Far too hot for an auld wifie and even midgies!!. No skirl of the pipes at the moment of glory either!! - Roll on the next GWC among all the ‘well kent’ faces. Missed you all. Missed my wee dram too but even though ‘virtually knackered’ a wee glass was raised at home in true GWC style! Cheers!!
Thank you Lynn - next year a photo please!!